Add a Burst of Color on an Accent Wall in an All White Room: We did this beautiful accent wall with another artist - Marty from Classic Faux Studios. You don't have to add color to all four walls when you're re-doing a room - in fact, that would have been overpowering in this space. I'm happy to say that...
So...Accent Walls Are Back!
This lively design, derived from the artist Damian Herst, gives the room a more contemporary feel and some much-needed color and energy. It took some prep time to figure out the right size, number and colors of the circles - but the entire wall was done in one day. We used a one-time-use stencil in order to do the design quickly and accurately.
Would love to hear your thoughts on creating the perfect nursery.. Any suggestions?
Hi...Thanks for commenting on my blog. I am planning a series of posts on creating a beautiful nursery. You must have read my mind!
Thanks!! Looking forward to seeing what you come up with.
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